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60 anni di crimini di Israele


(15 Maggio 2010) Enzo Apicella
62° anniversario della Nakba palestinese

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L'università di Roma La Sapienza collabora pienamente con le università israeliane.

A quando uno stop alle complicità e un serio boicottaggio scientifico?

(29 Giugno 2010)

anteprima dell'articolo originale pubblicato in www.boicottaisraele.it

(29 Giugno 2010)

La Universita' La Sapienza ha promosso un accordo tra le università israeliane
di Haifa, Gerusalemme e Tel Aviv e quella palestinese di Al Quds per un master
in cooperazione internazionale rivolto a 20 giovani laureati israeliani e
palestinesi. Le tematiche affrontate saranno quelle delle relazioni
internazionali, degli affari umanitari, della salute pubblica, della tutela
dell'ambiente, dell'economia, della tutela dei beni culturali e dell’

La storica firma è avvenuta a Gerusalemme presso l’Unità tecnica locale della
direzione generale alla Cooperazione e lo sviluppo del nostro Ministero degli
Affari esteri. L'iniziativa, sostenuta dalla Cooperazione italiana e
patrocinata dall’Unesco, rappresenta un unicum nella collaborazione
istituzionale tra gli atenei palestinesi e quelli israeliani.

Il programma del master prevede un primo periodo di attività accademiche in
loco e successivamente una fase di specializzazione a Roma presso la Sapienza.


Vi allego, per il vostro diletto, un tagli-e-cuci dei meriti scientifici
grazie ai quali le tre universita' israeliane sono state premiate con lo
'storico accordo'. In allegato l'intero studio che documenta come tutte le
universita' israeliane siano complici dell'occupazione e della militarizzazione
della societa' israeliana. In attesa di vedere la reazione della societa'
civile e accademica palestinese al coinvolgimento dell'universita' di Al Quds.

Haifa University
— Haifa University sponsors a scholarship solely for army veterans.

— Haifa University offered special assistance to students who served in the
2008 attack on the Gaza strip.

— Haifa University is a partner and host of the Havatzalot “academic reserve”
program, in which the university trains soldiers and allows the existence of a
military base on its campus.

— Haifa University discriminated against Palestinian citizens of Israel
(though this discrimination was ruled illegal by the Israeli high court).

— The University’s department for Geo-strategy takes pride in helping shape
Israeli “demographic” and security policies.

— Haifa University hosted a conference on the solution of the “demographic
problem,” another way of saying there are too many Palestinians in Israel.

Tel-Aviv University
— Tel-Aviv University takes pride in having conducted 55 research projects
with the Israeli army.

— Tel-Aviv University hosts a convention about weapons’ development for the
Israeli army.

— Tel-Aviv University hosts a convention, part of which directly deals with
weapons’ development for the Israeli army.

— Tel-Aviv University is located on the destroyed Palestinian village of
Sheikh Muwanis, whose residents have been deported, and has never recognized
this fact.

— The University appointed a military colonel, whose military past includes
overseeing and approving military attacks on civilians during the 2008 Gaza
attacks, to a lecturer on international law.

Hebrew University of Jerusalem
— Job fair at the Hebrew University includes weapon manufacturing companies.

— The Chairman of the Board of [weapons company] Elbit Systems is also a
member of the Hebrew University’s Board of Governors.

— Hebrew University has protocols for aiding army reservist students.

— Hebrew University offered special assistance to students who served in
Israel’s 2008 military attack on the Gaza Strip.

— Hebrew University granted a scholarship to veterans of the 2002 “Defensive
Shield” operation that, amongst other things, resulted in Israel’s vicious
destruction of the Jenin Refugee Camp.

— Hebrew University is a partner and host of the Talpiot “academic reserve”
program, in which the university trains soldiers in sciences and technology and
allows the existence of a military base on its campus.

— All military colleges and training facilities, including the military
“Command and Staff College” which trains officers, are under the academic
auspices and responsibility of the Hebrew University.

— One of the Hebrew University’s campuses has expanded into the Occupied
Territories in a confiscation of Palestinian land. In addition, some of the
university owned student quarters are located in a settlement neighborhood of

— Hebrew University appoints former head of the General Security Service, an
organization notorious for human rights abuses, to the post of Vice President
for External Relations.

— University ill-treats and disciplines Palestinian student after he refuses
to shake the hand of Israeli President Shimon Peres.

— University demands police-issued “character reference” from Palestinian
visitors, but not from Jewish visitors.
